I spent a little over two weeks in Memphis, anxiously awaiting the call that Sarah was in labor. Her due date came and went, her first induction date was pushed back due to no available rooms … it was nuts!
After finally snagging a spot in the hospital late Sunday, she was induced. Monday morning, the updates were finally coming in. Sarah was progressing slowly, but steadily, and when I got the text that she was at 5cm, I decided to head her way.
A few minutes later, I was headed out the door, when Ben, her husband, texted “She’s about to push”…
I cursed and ran to my car. I only had a 20 minute drive, and was sure I would still make it just fine … but a little over half way into the trip … “She’s here!”
I walked into the room as they were cleaning Sarah up – baby Callie happily nestled into her daddy’s arms. Ben told me it was quite the commotion when Sarah announced she felt like the baby was on her way – nurses suddenly came pouring into the room, in a frenzy.
5cm, 45 minutes later, two pushes. It caught everyone by surprise!
I hated to miss Callie’s grand entrance, but I loved still being able to be a part of her first few hours, with her wonderful parents, and her new big brother!
And a fun note: the clock in their room broke just 2 minutes before Callie was born, basically freezing her birth time, so I could capture it, over an hour later! =)